Partial Nephrectomy

3. Trocar placement

For left partial nephrectomy we generally use 4 trocars on a diamond shape (Figure  3.1): Pararectal Hasson´s trocar Left iliac fossa 12 mm trocar. Subcostal 5 or 11 mm Trocar. Lateral 5 mm trocar on the mid-axillary line Figure 3.1: Trocar insertion This preferred trocar disposition admits great variations for partial nephrectomy depending of each […]

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10. Pedicle clamping

Pedicle clamping is a very important part of partial nephrectomy. By clamping we suppress, completely or partially, the inflow of blood into the kidney, and by doing so we can perform tumor excision and surgical bed repair/hemostasis with good control and less bleeding. The variety of case scenarios in partial nephrectomy is wide. From off

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12. Renorraphy

We usually perform a two-layer renorraphy. The first suture, the deep surgical bed layer, has the objective of closing the urinary tract and to perform hemostasis of the main vessels. We generally perform it under ischemia, so we add the pressure of warm ischemia time to the difficulties of suturing the parenchymal breach. The most

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11. Tumor excision

The objectives of tumor excision are: To obtain the complete tumor keeping a margin of healthy renal tissue around To spare the maximum healthy renal parenchyma. The main risk is to enter the tumor leaving a positive surgical margin or seeding tumor cells in the field. Another risk, not as important, is to take excessive normal parenchyma. Preliminary considerations

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